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What you need to know

This section includes details about the two halter shows and the walking fleece show. ​If you're a member of the Great Lakes Alpaca Association (GLAA), you will receive a discount on the price of your stalls. GLAA represents alpaca owners and breeders in five states in the Great Lakes region (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin). With more than 50 members, GLAA is one of the largest AOA affiliates in the nation. Visit the GLAA website to join. Begin the registration process here.


Free Fecal Checks

Dr. Donald H. Bliss, of MidAmerica Ag Research (, an animal health and agricultural research management consultant company in Verona, WI, will be performing free fecal checks for gut parasites on Saturday, April 26 at New Holland Pavilion 1 at the Alliant Energy Center.


Exhibitors may bring fecal samples from individual alpacas at their farms or collect samples from their alpacas at the show. Results will be available to breeders during the show unless he is overwhelmed with samples. In that case, he will take samples back to his lab, process them, and email results to the submitting farm. If you’re bringing samples from your farm, please limit the quantity to five. Print and complete the camelid form that can be found at and submit with your samples.


Exhibitors agree to hold harmless the Alliant Energy Center, Dane County, and the Great Midwest Alpaca Festival Board of Directors and committee members as well as the Great Lakes Alpaca Association Board of Directors from any damage or loss, or liability of any kind whatsoever.




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Dr. Donald H Bliss
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